Update your school metrics!!
This COVID-19 benchmark data is awful! It’s 3 weeks old!
Can your data include daily # of active cases?
Please incorporate a 7 days moving average graph in you COVID-19 reporting.
COVID19 deaths by day
Separate Data by Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated
Data visualization graphs need adjusting
Break down the 65+ category
Fix the COVID Data Dashboard
Scale Covid-19 data based on the total Arizona population
1. where can we get the raw data? 2. why not publish by county the death rates by age? what about blood type?
Can you make the COVID-19 data available for download?
More data needed on website for coronavirus
Data on confirmed covid cases - EPI chart
Data reporting for COVID-19
covid-19 data display
Question: Pima County COVID Case Data Anomaly
How can I read the data chart when the ENGLISH BUTTON GIVES INFO IN SPANISH
National Military Response
Display COVID-19 data by collection week