Inconsistent October COVID dashboard reporting
Hospitalization Updates
Enquiry on Legislative Information
Include Total Number of Tests for Coronavirus
Re: resources for cancer patients
Case Counts
Re: resources for cancer patients
Your Web Developers Are Awful
Your graphic demosntration of beds used as a percentage are inaccurate
I am looking for a speaker on the topic of opiod addiction in Arizona..
When lab test sources are delayed, delay your reporting or update during the day.
COVID stats
Could you please make the print on your graphs darker? And also use colors that are more easily seen by visually impaired individuals?
Please add count of vaccines administered, both 1 & 2 doses, to the dashboard.
Please graph total covid 19 cases by day, not week.
Please list more stats per county on the COVID-19 spread.
COVID Cases by location and DATE
COVID-19 Cases By Day Graph Cut Off, please fix
Please incorporate a 7 days moving average graph in you COVID-19 reporting.
Update Graphics on the Schools Dashboard!